If you want to start achieving your dreams in a confident manner, use these life-changing tips to help you boost your self-esteem. Building self-esteem will also increase your self-confidence and self-worth.
Showing up as your best self comes from within. If you are on a journey of achieving your dreams and taking control of your life, self-esteem helps. The way you feel about yourself goes a long way!
Learn how to boost self-esteem by doing activities that are essentially self-esteem boosters.
This post is about boosting self-esteem.
How to Boost Self-Esteem
1. Set healthy boundaries
Setting boundaries for people don’t have to be this thing that is off-putting or mean. In fact, people who have boundaries for themselves and others are often respected a lot more. They see that this person truly values themselves. It’s an inspiring quality because it seems that many people do not have boundaries.
Having healthy boundaries can simply be saying no to things you do not want to do or going to sleep at the time you need to to ensure quality sleep.
Learning this skill will certainly improve self-esteem because it is putting your own needs first.
2. Learn something new
Learning a new skill can help you feel confident in yourself and your abilities which will directly affect your self-esteem.
It won’t hurt you to learn how to do something you don’t know how to do. Try learning a new language. You’ll be able to communicate with more people which is AWESOME. Learn how to cook something new. It can add more choices to your dinner or breakfast plans and give you something to do.
There are all sorts of benefits to learning a new skill. It’ll only make you much more desirable than you already are.
3. Vision board
Creating a vision board sort of gives you more of a visual representation of the things you want out of your life. The vision board creation process in and of itself is a self-esteem activity. It forces you to sit down and actually think about your goals and what you want to do.
You won’t be starting from zero. Having goals and making them visual is good for the Law of Attraction as well. Get super clear on what you desire and don’t be afraid to go after it.
4. Use positive self-talk to boost self-esteem
When you speak positively about yourself whether that be in your head or out loud, it triggers your brain to actually believe them to be true. The same goes for speaking negatively of yourself. If you have gone a long time speaking negatively about yourself, your brain will believe it.
It may take a while for this tip to work, especially if you’ve gone a long time speaking negatively, but it is worth trying.
Say things that resonate with you.
“I am desirable.” “I’m beautiful.” You know, things like that. It doesn’t have to be super complicated.
If you feel like you are unpleasant, tell yourself the opposite and watch what happens. The last trick though is coming to a place where you actually start believing the positive things you are saying.
5. Gratitude journals
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”
Usually, people with low self-esteem are those who are fearful of something, have been told negative things about themselves, or lack confidence.
If you start writing down things you are grateful for, you’ll soon realize all of the great things happening in your life. Don’t overcomplicate this step either.
Some things I write in my journal are: “I’m grateful for Netflix, the Internet, snow crabs, and good books.” It doesn’t have to be too big of a deal to the point of not having anything to be grateful for. There’s always something.
6. Unplug from social media
Research shows that people who are always on social media (in an unhealthy way) tend to end up having low self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence, and depression.
Despite what you may think, social media promotes the constant act of comparison. You see one of your friends in Paris, you automatically start thinking several things. Either you’re super happy for them, jealous of them, think something negative of them, or upset with your own life because you’re not in Paris.
If you don’t have it in you to completely let go of social media for a day or two, then just limit the amount of time you’re on it. OR as soon as you start feeling a negative feeling while on social media, then immediately get off of it.
7. Work on a hobby you feel good about to boost self-esteem
Doing anything that you feel good about will certainly boost your confidence and self-esteem. It’ll help you realize your values. You’ll know things that you are good at and will simply take your mind off of things you don’t feel good about.
Starting hobbies changes lives. Seriously! People who are really happy are usually involved in several activities that make them happy.
Some of my favorite hobbies are reading books, playing the piano, writing blogs, or (more recently) painting while watching Netflix. I look forward to doing these activities because they make me happy. Simply. Watching a painting go from nothing to something helps me feel both creative and accomplished for some reason.
Can you play an instrument? I find that playing the piano is something not many people can do. Doing something you feel is unique is a sure way to boost your self-esteem.
In Closing,
Doing things that make you happy is the start of building your self-esteem. It’s all about what you think of yourself and how you view your qualities and abilities. If there is something you don’t like, you have the power to change it. All you have to do is just start. I’ll be rooting for you!