If you’re on the hunt for the perfect self-help book to change your life, you’ve come to the right place! These books have been read by some of the most successful people in the world. Keep reading or watch the YouTube video below to discover the top 5 self-help books that will change your life!
Reading self-help books is a great act of self-care. If there is something that you wish to improve in your life, there’s probably a self-help book on that topic.
Finding the right self-help book can be challenging for anyone let alone trying to find self-help books for women. In this post, you are going to receive a list of the most popular self-help books with a small description of each book.
This post is all about popular self-help books that will change your life.
Popular Self-Help Books:
1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
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” ‘I can’t afford it’ shuts down your brain. ‘How can I afford it’ opens up possibilities, excitement, and dreams.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki
Probably one of the most popular financial books to date, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, shines a light on different ways to think when it comes to wealth and how rich people think.
If you are on a journey of financial freedom and you haven’t read this book, you should certainly pause and read it! Not only will it explain how rich people make more and more money. You’ll also learn how savers are losers, according to Robert Kiyosaki, and the way to thrive is to use “other people’s money”.
Are you a little curious? You should read it! Here’s the Amazon link to get this book for yourself!
- Goodreads: 4.12/5 stars
- Amazon: 4.7/5 stars
2. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
Amazon | Goodreads | Youtube
“You are perfect. To think anything less is as pointless as a river thinking that it’s got too many curves or that it moves too slowly or that its rapids are too rapid. Says who? You’re on a journey with no defined beginning, middle or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being. And your job is to be as you as you can be. This is why you’re here. To shy away from who you truly are would leave the world you-less. You are the only you there is and ever will be. I repeat, you are the only you there is and ever will be. Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.” – Jen Sincero
If you need motivation, THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!
This book gives you the encouragement that you need to thrive in this world! She encourages you to be truly you. In other words, you’re the main character. This must be where the original trend came about (maybe or maybe not).
Either way, this is one of the best self-help books for women! Jen gives you the tools that you need to get up and begin showing up for yourself TODAY.
If you are on a level-up journey, You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero is definitely a book you want to have on your list! Here is the Amazon link to get this book for yourself!
- Goodreads: 3.95/5 stars
- Amazon: 4.7/5 stars
3. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear
Amazon | Goodreads | YouTube
“Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.” – James Clear
This is one of the most talked about books from productivity gurus and life coaches. Atomic Habits breaks down simple truths that help you understand habits and how to break them.
It’s not just a method of how to break bad habits or building new ones, James Clear gives you tools and examples of how this is completely transformative for your whole life in every possible area.
One of the very first topics discussed in this book talks about shifting your identity. Not saying you want to be a content creator, but you ARE a content creator. If so, what would a content creator be doing? Okay, so go and do that.
Every time you do small tasks in the act of what your ideal self would be doing, the more you slowly become that very person you are striving to be.
As mentioned already, if you are on a level-up journey, Atomic Habits is a book you shouldn’t skip! Here’s the Amazon link to get this book for yourself!
- Goodreads: 4.36/5 stars
- Amazon: 4.8/5 stars
4. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
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“If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you. If that person doesn’t walk away, you will surely endure many years of suffering with him or her. Walking away may hurt for a while, but your heart will eventually heal. Then you can choose what you really want. You will find that you don’t need to trust others as much as you need to trust yourself to make the right choices.” – Don Miguel Ruiz
This is a really short book and an easy read! Don’t let the size fool you though. This small book holds a lot of power in the realm of wisdom.
The Four Agreements discusses the way we think. It gives you simple yet difficult things to think about when it comes to dealing with other people.
This book will change your life and cause you to look at every single interaction you may have with others much differently!
If you don’t know what the Four Agreements are, you should definitely give this book a read. It’s the shortest book on the list.
Looking to discover what the Four Agreements are? Here is the Amazon link to look into it yourself!
- Goodreads: 4.18/5 stars
- Amazon: 4.7/5 stars
5. 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think by Brianna Wiest
Amazon | Goodreads | YouTube
“The worst happened, and then it passed. You lost the person you thought you couldn’t live without and then you kept living. You lost your job then found another one. You began to realize that “safety” isn’t in certainty—but in faith that you can simply keep going.” – Brianna Wiest
This is a book that’ll get you through a tough time for sure. It’s filled with small excerpts of motivational tidbits and is a collection of life-changing advice Brianna has heard or learned over the years.
The title of this book says it all. Your thought process will shift and the way you think will change. It doesn’t take many of the essays to change your life either!
If changing your life is something you strongly want to do, then I highly encourage you to check out this novel! Here is the Amazon link to this masterpiece!
- Goodreads: 3.78/5 stars
- Amazon: 4.7/5 stars
In closing,
These are some of the most talked about self-help books to date! Wanting to change your life can seem like a lot when you’re just starting. Using these books to start your journey will surely enhance your life for the better!
Have you read any of these books? Am I missing a key book? Leave a comment below and help us!
This post was all about popular self-help books that will change your life!